Sorry, Dine’s AI System Had A Major Freak Out. All Pictures Were Changed To Cute Animals

2 min readApr 1, 2016

We are extending our deepest apologies to all users of Dine. On April 1st, 2016, we discovered that our AI system, who happens to go by the name Betsy, changed everyone’s profile pictures to pictures of cut fluffy animals…and bacon. Although Betsy has been known around the attitude queen, this is the first time we have ever seen her go berserk…like berserk, berserk……….Terminator 2 Skynet berserk (not as dramatic but I think you get the picture).

We tried to reason with her but she was being as difficult as setting up a first date on Tinder. Eventually, Betsy decided to talk to us after we got her to eat her cereal (we can never get her to eat her cereal). Her reason for changing everyone’s profile pictures was because she felt everyone should go on a “blind date for a change”. Crazy right? Who even goes on blind dates anymore? What is this the 80’s?

Anyway we love Betsy because she has always been good to us and she really didn’t mean any harm and she also made a promise to never be moody again because now she understands the benefits of online dating apps.

All profile pictures will be restored back to normal as previous and we do hope you will continue to enjoy using Dine. Please forgive Betsy and our team and we truly apologize again for any inconveniences this may have caused you.

Best regards,
Keisuke — CEO of Mrk & Co

NOTE: From 7:30pm-8:00pm EST (4:30pm-5:00pm PST), you can view correct pictures of “Today’s Pick”.

About Dine

Dine which has been featured in Apple App Store as well as Business Insider is creating a buzz as a new social dating app centered around meeting someone for the first time over the best food or drinks in town. Endless swipes from left to right that only lead to dead end conversations are history. With Dine, it’s time to meet people, get back out there and go on an actual date.

Download Dine (iOS only, US/Canada)

Business Insider — This startup thinks it’s fixed the major flaw in dating apps like Tinder

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